COVID-19 Housing - BYU–Hawaii Student Housing Skip to main content

COVID-19 Housing

We thank you for your cooperation during this difficult time and appreciate your continued patience and understanding. In order to support you through this unique time, we have made some adjustments to the processes outlined below.

Fall 2020
Single Student Housing
Married Student Housing
Off-Campus Housing
We will invite students back to campus as soon as it is safe and reasonable to do so. We are hoping that this will take place sometime during the fall semester, but the exact timing will depend on many factors outside of our control.

In the meantime, we encourage you to wait to make travel plans to Hawaii due to quarantine requirements and lingering uncertainty. We will provide updates and help you with your plans as soon as sufficient information from the University is available.
Single student housing will remain closed for the Fall 2020 Semester. Single students currently residing in on-campus housing and who are not able to return home and need a place to stay until borders open and travel can be arranged will have the ability to renew a temporary contract. Eligibility to remain in on-campus single student housing will be based on any current or future announcements from the University.

Freshmen that have reserved a room for fall 2020: All contracts for the fall semester in single student on-campus housing will be canceled and any funds including the application fee will be returned to the student’s BYU–Hawaii account. All termination fees will be waived.

We encourage students to sign up for a direct deposit e-refund, information on how to sign up for e-refunds can be found at Financial Service's Refund page.
New applicants who applied to TVA for the summer/fall semesters have been sent an email with a response date of June 15. Students who are currently residing in the state of Hawaii may be eligible to be invited to TVA for the fall semester.

Students who resided in TVA before and left to align with previous University announcements encouraging students to return home and planned on returning for the fall semester will continue to have their space held provided they respond to future emails requesting information by the deadlines provided.
In alignment with the University's announcement for the Fall 2020 Semester being taught remotely, our office will not be providing off-campus contracted housing for the remainder of 2020. Students are expected to align themselves with any current and future announcements by the University to maintain a safe University campus and community environment. The State of Hawaii currently has travel restrictions in place for all incoming travelers with a 14 day mandated isolation and maintains strict “Stay Safe At Home” orders for all individuals currently residing in Hawaii or traveling to Hawaii.

The Polynesian Cultural Center is currently closed and jobs are limited in the Laie community and on the BYU–Hawaii campus.
Current Resident Processes
Hale Temporary Housing
Hale Checkout
Hale Storage
TVA Checkout
TVA Storage
TVA Returning
TVA Temporary Housing

What if I cannot go home? (Single student housing)

Although the Hales will be closing, we want you to know that you have a place to stay until you are able to safely return home. The University will provide temporary housing to students who are waiting for their borders to open or who cannot otherwise return home.

What does temporary housing mean?

Temporary housing is not a particular place or type of apartment. It simply means that students will be able to extend their contracts temporarily until they are able to return home. You will remain in the same bed space until you can return home or until the Hales are consolidated.

How to secure temporary housing

If you did not renew your contract already and you need to stay in the Hales past June 29 (the end of the spring contract), please follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to the Housing Portal.
  2. Click 'Secure Housing'.
  3. Click 'Hales'.
  4. Click 'Renew Contract.'
  5. Complete the process and sign a contract.

Once you have renewed your temporary contract for the Summer 2020 break, you can remain in your assigned space until you have a plan for a travel itinerary worked out with Financial Aid & Scholarship or International Student Services and Travel Services or until the Hale’s are consolidated.

Please contact the appropriate department below to make a travel itinerary. Our office is working closely with Financial Aid & Scholarship, International Student Services, and Travel Services. They will communicate your travel itinerary to us once it is confirmed.

IWORK students: and
International Students: and
Domestic Students:

How to check out of the Hales (single student housing)

Our office is now offering non-present checkouts that can be done virtually to simplify and make this process easier for you and to follow the guidance we have been given to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus and practice social distancing.

    1. NOTIFY: Complete the Checkout Notification form on the Housing Portal. This will notify your RA and the Residential Life office when you are leaving.
      1. Sign in to the Housing Portal.
      2. Click 'Manage Housing'
      3. Click 'Checkout Notification'
      4. Complete the process.
    2. CLEAN: Please clean your room and unit assigned to the weekly clean check standard.
    3. REMOVE: Remove all items from your bed space, bathroom, kitchen, including food items. Your bed space and unit should be clear of all personal items. They can either be taken with you, thrown away or stored here on campus if needed.
    4. *OPTIONAL* STORAGE: Do you need to store some of your personal belongings? Click on the HALE STORAGE tab above to find more information and make an appointment.
    5. CHECKOUT FORM: Download and complete the checkout form below. It is important that you accurately fill out this form including the date and time.
    6. RECORD: Record a video of your room and common areas showing the condition of each area on the checkout form.
    7. EMAIL: Email your completed checkout form and video with the date and time that you are checking out to your Hales email before leaving the Hale. See the sample email below. It is very important that the date is accurate as your room key card access will be removed based on the date you put on the form. A RA will confirm that you have vacated the bed space within 24 hours of receipt.

    Thank you for being a part of our BYU–Hawaii Ohana and we wish you all the best upon your return home and look forward to being reunited with those of you who come back.

    Example Email

    To: (Your Hales Email)
    Subject: Hale Checkout Complete (YOUR ID#, HALE & BED SPACE)
    Attachments: Completed Hale Checkout form, Video of room and common areas
    Email Body:
    Bed Space:
    Checkout Date:
    Checkout Time:

    How to check items into storage (single student housing)

    To support students who are returning home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Residential Life is offering limited storage for students who are planning to return in the Fall 2020 Semester. To assist you in preparing to store your items, please review this checklist and follow the instructions so we can help you store your items. Please note, this does not replace your virtual checkout. To complete your virtual checkout of your Hale, please review the Hale Checkout tab above.

    Check List

    1. Make an Appointment: Please make an appointment to drop your items off a minimum of 24 hours in advance of your desired drop off date and time. Appointments are necessary to ensure that proper social distancing practices are being followed. Click here to make an appointment.
    2. Decide what you can store:
      1. 4 medium-sized boxes or parcels. Items need to be neatly placed in a SEALED container, suitcase, box, etc. If you don’t have a container you can use a garbage bag for any non-liquid items or breakable items.
      2. 1 oversized item: surfboard, skateboard, tall fan, mini-refrigerator, TV…
      3. Liquid items like shampoo, shaving cream, oil can be stored if they are individually wrapped in plastic and sealed and are organized in a container that will not leak.
    3. What items am I prohibited from storing?
      1. Any items that are prohibited in the Hale: rolling desk chairs, desks, tables, air conditioning units, freezers, large or bulky sound systems including speakers, alcohol, firearms, fireworks, candles, cooking wine, liquid flammables (lighter fluid), BBQ, cigarettes, tobacco, non-herbal tea, coffee, alcohol, or other items that are prohibited in the dorms or a health and safety hazard.
      2. Items that need refrigeration or that will attract rodents, roaches or other pests.
      3. money or things that are of high value to you
    4. Liability Form: Complete the liability and storage check-in/out contract and submit 30 minutes prior to your appointment.
      1. Sign in to the Housing Portal.
      2. At the top of the page, click 'Housing Updates.'
      3. Under Hales, click 'Step 2: Hale Storage Form.'
      4. Complete the process. You will receive a confirmation email once you submit the form.
    5. Where do I take my items? At your scheduled appointment time, take your items to the designated area listed below:
      1. Female storage- Hale 1 lounge
      2. Male storage- Hale 2 lounge


    What happens if I miss my appointment or don’t make an appointment?

    If you miss your appointment, you may not have the ability to store your items

    What if I am storing items for another student who has already left?

    You will be able to store these items under the name of the owner following the same storage process as above.

    What if I cannot return for Fall Semester? What will happen to my items?

    The individual listed on your liability waiver can pick your items up. If they are not picked up within 15 days of the first day of class, your items will be considered abandoned and unless another agreement has been arranged in writing with the University. The University may dispose of abandoned Belongings.

    Will I be charged for storing my items?

    You will not be charged for storing your items.

    What if I drop my items off at the designated storage spot and don’t properly check them in?

    Your items will be considered as abandoned and will be kept for 15 days and then disposed of if unclaimed.

    How to check out of TVA (Married Student Housing)

    Current TVA Residents

    Our office is now offering non-present checkouts that can be done virtually to simplify and make this process easier for you and to follow the guidance we have been given to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus and practice social distancing.

        1. Sign in to the Housing Portal.
        2. Click 'Manage Housing'
        3. Click 'Submit Termination for Summer/Fall'
        4. Complete the process.
      2. NON-PRESENT CHECKOUT FORM: Download and complete the Non-Present Checkout Form below.
      3. EMAIL: Contact the TVA office through email or Facebook messenger with your completed Non-Present Checkout Form, checkout date and time.
      4. CLEAN: Please clean your apartment to clean-check standards.
      5. REMOVE: Remove all items from your apartment, including food items. Your apartment should be clear of all personal items. They can either be taken with you, thrown away or stored here on campus if needed.

      Thank you for being a part of our BYU–Hawaii Ohana and we wish you all the best upon your return home and look forward to being reunited with those of you who come back.

      TVA Storage (Married Student Housing)

      TVA Storage is no longer offered.

      If you have previously signed up for storage, please continue to check your BYUH email for any updates.

      We are no longer accepting new return applications.

      If you have previously applied to return, please continue to check your BYUH email for any updates.

      REGISTER FOR CLASSES: To be considered eligible for to return to TVA, you or your spouse must be registered as a full-time student (12 Credits) for the Fall 2020 and Winter 2020 Semesters. You will not be considered and eligible until you or your spouse are registered. Waitlisted classes do not count.

      When will we know if we have a spot in TVA?

      We will invite students back to campus as soon as it is safe and reasonable to do so. We are hoping that this will take place sometime during the fall semester, but the exact timing will depend on many factors outside of our control.

      In the meantime, we encourage you to wait to make travel plans to Hawaii due to quarantine requirements and lingering uncertainty. We will provide updates and help you with your plans as soon as sufficient information is available.

      Can I check-in for Summer 2020?

      Due to the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not offering summer check-ins to TVA.

      What apartment will I be assigned?

      Apartment placement is based on availability and family size. Please do not expect to be placed in a specific type of apartment or the apartment that you lived in previously. Our priority is your family size and then to return you to your previous ward.

      How do I cancel my application?

      If you would like to cancel your application, please respond to your confirmation email with your permission to cancel your application. All cancellation requests must come from your BYUH email.

      Can I continue to stay in TVA? (married student housing)

      TVA will remain open to current residents. For families who are not able to leave, you can remain in TVA until you graduate or can otherwise return home.

      Graduating students and non-students

      If you are graduating and cannot return home due to travel restrictions, you may apply for temporary housing.

      1. Click 'Secure Housing'
      2. Click 'TVA'
      3. Click 'Apply for Temporary Housing'
      4. Complete the process and sign a contract.

      Once approved, you can remain in the TVA space you are currently occupying until you have a travel itinerary worked out with Financial Aid & Scholarship, International Student Services, and Travel Services and are able to return home.

      Please contact the appropriate department below to make a travel itinerary. Our office is working closely with Financial Aid & Scholarship, International Student Services, and Travel Services. They will communicate your travel itinerary to us once they are confirmed.

      IWORK Students: and
      International Students: and
      Domestic Students: