Guiding Principles - BYU–Hawaii Student Housing Skip to main content

Guiding Principles

"Establishing peace in the home is built upon personal integrity, respect and Christlike service." - Kala Kau

Personal Integrity

Personal integrity is a fundamental aspect of spiritual growth and pertains to your integrity in keeping your commitments and covenants. To achieve peace in the home and enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost, individuals are encouraged to be honest with themselves and towards others. It is also important to remember that personal integrity does not demand perfection. Rather, it's about the sincere effort to remain faithful. You are never out of reach of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

“Even with the trials of life, because of the Savior’s Atonement and His grace, righteous living will be
rewarded with personal peace.” - Quentin L. Cook

female student sitting on the grass and reading scriptures at the Laie temple
Photo by BYUH Photography

How Does Personal Integrity Contribute to Peace in Home?

Personal integrity is necessary in establishing peace at home, particularly in BYUH where students have agreed to live the standards of the Honor Code. When you and your roommates are genuinely striving for personal integrity, it provides a peaceful environment where the Spirit can dwell. Living with others who share similar commitments provides a support system for maintaining personal integrity.

Roommates help each other stay accountable to the standards they agreed upon when choosing to attend BYUH. Striving for personal integrity in a shared living space will help cultivate the spirit, allowing for patience, understanding, and forgiveness to reside in your relationships with your hale mates.

Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness


Each one of us deserves to be treated with respect, everywhere and especially in our own homes. Establishing peace in the home can only be achieved on the basis of mutual respect. Respect is the thoughtful consideration of others’ feelings, wishes, and preferences. It goes beyond politeness, as showing respect for others demonstrates that you value them not only as your peers, but as children of God. Seeing each other as brothers and sisters in Christ allows us to treat each other as so.

"It behooves each of us to do whatever we can in our spheres of influence to preserve the dignity and respect every son and daughter of God deserves.” - President Nelson

Students having a friendly conversation.
Photo by BYUH Photography

How Does Showing Respect Contribute to Peace in home?

Respect is fundamental for establishing peace in your homes, especially when living with roommates. Respect translates to very practical things such as maintaining a clean apartment, being mindful of how you use and leave common spaces, being considerate of others in such matters as noise levels and inviting guests.

In short, respect in a shared living situation means considering how your actions impact others and striving to create a harmonious environment for everyone. It's simply treating your roommates as the savior would.

We Are All Children of God

Christlike Service

Christlike service is having a sincere concern for our neighbor motivated by genuine love for the Savior. Christ is our perfect example of service as has served those around Him throughout his earthly ministry. In your day to day life, Christlike service can look like taking out the trash for your roommate or asking them how their day went. It is not about the magnitude of the service, but rather your intentions that matter.

“To love your neighbor includes Christlike deeds of kindness and service. Can you let go of grudges, forgive enemies, welcome and minister to your neighbors… You will each be inspired as you build your tower of love for your neighbor.” - Gary E Stevenson

Student working on a garden.
Photo by BYUH Photography

How Does Christlike Service Contribute to Peace in home?

Christlike service will improve peace at home by fostering an environment of love and mutual support among you and your roommates. As you actively engage in Christlike service for your roommates, you will develop deeper empathy and understanding. Even the smallest acts of kindness contribute to strengthening relationships. It will cultivate a spirit of unity and help reduce conflicts. 

Finding Yourself in Service to Others